martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Musashi animation

Thsi is one of the many animetion of the most bigest samuria Miyamoto Musashi , the master of the two sword technique and the perfect warrior. 

sábado, 15 de febrero de 2014

The Nunchaku

it is a wepon that the rural pesrsons make in the prohibited time that only the shogun and the elite can be able to have a katana.

In some cases the nuchaku has a blade

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014



The history of Japanese body armor is rather long and examples of this armor have appeared on mud dolls found in ancient graves. Japanese body armor was changed after guns were adopted and was used in their battles from the mid-sixteenth century. Before that time body armor was used in offensive applications and not only for the defensive; this armor was made of rather light weight materials and was fancy.

Kusari Gama

Kusari Gama

The Kusari Gama is a weapon made from a metal chain and a ball of iron which has at one end a sharp hook named range. It is a field tool that became a weapon, dominated by some martial arts. Often seen in the movies used in pairs, but I was more likely to have been used individual.

Yari (SPEAR)

Yari (SPEAR)

widely used in medieval Japan. In experienced hands, it is very dangerous, because it provides a big advantage away, had the odd difference designated by the Samurai on foot because Japanese spears they were supported by the hand and used to pierce or puncture the attacker. The Togakure Ryu used the Kamayari, which had a distinct edge by a harpoon that could stab or pierce and hook end of the hook or could be used to climb trees, walls of a castle

The long bow or yumi

The long bow or yumi

Before the katana the Japanese only use the bow in the army and in the mount solders , but after the mongole invasion after that hey use the close combat and they evict to be conquest


The tonfa is original  of okinawa make for selft protetion of the country person´s and is use on the jujitsu and karate.

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

katana and wakisashi

katana and wakisashi

The katana the Japanese sword the main weapons of the Japanese for more or less 800 years, this sword is the most famous weapon in all japan.
The wakisahi this short was the sword used for the seppuku or harakiri that is a ritual when the warrior crouch on the floor and gut himself, also they use this for a close range melee in place that the can’t  unsheathe the katana

The Equipment

The samurai equipment

This armor was the principal equipment on the on the internal wars in japan, those solders resibe the name of samurais , if  you translate samurai to the english the meaning going“those who Serve” or “to Serve and Attend”.